Classes We Offer

All Levels Yoga

These classes are accessible and safe for anyone with a foundational knowledge of yoga to advanced students. Each teacher customizes classes for students who are open to learning and exploring what the world of movement and yoga have to offer. Classes focus on alignment, stability, and core strength. You will leave feeling energized yet calm.

Beginngers/Levvel 1 Yoga

This class is accessible for students new to yoga, continuing beginners, and those with experience. We will focus on the foundations, starting with somatics (a gentle form of movement designed to release patterns of pain and recognize mind-body connections so that we move more freely) before moving into attainable yoga postures. You will leave the class feeling renewed and revitalized.

Level 2 Yoga

These classes are based on principles of movement: True mobility = flexibility + strength & motor control. We playfully expand our understanding of human movement within the yoga poses infusing fitness with yoga. Suitable for students with at least one year of regular practice who enjoy the challenge that comes with exploring the nuances of yoga.

Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga is a therapeutic style of yoga that supports various parts of the body with props that include bolsters, blocks, and blankets to maximize comfort and allow students to let go entirely. These passive poses bring the whole body into a deeply relaxed state, while also bringing your mental, psychological, and emotional state into blissful balance. The poses are simple and accessible for people of all ages and all levels of practice.

Yoga for Self-Care

Yoga is one of the best forms of self-care you can find. This class invites you to slow down and fill your cup. You'll focus on those tight body parts and the places we all hold stress. Restorative poses are also included to leave you feeling ahhh-so-good! Appropriate for all levels. (This class is taught seasonally; please check the class schedule for availability.)